Free Coins Hack Online Generator Happy Wheels

Kategori: Allmänt

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Review=This game is one of the best games I have played. However, I spend most of my time in game on the level editor and I wish that you guys would add more tools like where you can make a custom shape. Another thing that would be great would be if the player could make a trail for that block to follow, like in the character levels. Also make it so that weapons can be fixed please... it is very time consuming to have to make a contraption to hold them in place. I know I’m asking a lot already but do you think you can add joints? That would solve a lot of building problems. Thank you for this amazingly brutal and f-ed up game. I have poured in hours and hours on my work and this would help so much to improve. Thanks and hope you get to it, Peter Sammons
size=85827584 Bytes
creators=Jim Bonacci
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